Mission Statement
Soar like an Eagle, Roar like a Lion
Above The Storms' mission is seeking, teaching and evangelizing Yahweh Elohim's Truth. Pointing all people to the Kingdom of our Sovereign God and helping mend Scriptural and cultural breaches in the Christian community. Our purpose is to unveil Truth as Yeshua Hamashiach did and intended to be done throughout this world by His disciples. To tell Father Yah's children who and whose they are, underscoring their relationship with Yahweh, discipleship to His Savior Son and their purpose for His Kingdom. It is the Divine task of this ministry to reveal a seemingly radical but truthful theology, shattering lies devised by the adversary through biblical error and man's traditions. This is accomplished by empowering end time saints and warriors with Biblical intelligence and Kingdom character building. This ministry is for people seeking the Truth no matter how contrary it may be to church theology and the world's culture. The overall goal is to build up God's Kingdom for this time and future generations if Messiah should tarry. Dr. Naylor's messages whether directly from her or other sources are placed here to educate and liberate the True Church of Yeshua Hamashiach and will always exalt Yahweh Elohim, our Omnipotent Source and only True Living God.